Why Tattoos Turn Green And Blue In Color Over Time?
Tattoos have been a popular form of body art for thousands of years, with ancient civilizations using tattoos for religious and cultural purposes. However, one common problem that tattoo enthusiasts face is the discoloration of their tattoos over time. Green and blue are two of the most common colors that tattoos tend to turn into, leaving many wondering what causes this phenomenon. In this article, we’ll understand why tattoos turn green and blue in color over time.
The Science Behind Tattoo Pigments
Before we delve into why tattoos turn green and blue, it’s essential to understand the science behind tattoo pigments. Tattoo ink is made up of various pigments, and each pigment has its own chemical composition. When the professional tattoo artist injects the ink into the dermis layer, the pigment particles are dispersed within the dermal tissue. The tattoo ink’s longevity depends on how deep the ink is injected, the quality of the ink, and the type of pigments used.
Why Do Tattoos Turn Green Over Time?
One of the most common colors that tattoos tend to turn into overtime is green. This happens when the tattoo contains a significant amount of blue pigment, and the body’s immune system starts to break it down. When blue pigments break down, they turn into a yellowish color, which can make the tattoo appear green. Additionally, some tattoo inks contain metal pigments, such as copper or iron, which can oxidize and create a green hue over time.
Another reason tattoos turn green is due to exposure to UV rays. When you expose your tattoo to sunlight or tanning beds, it can cause the skin to become damaged, leading to the breakdown of pigments.
Why Do Tattoos Turn Blue Over Time?
Blue is another common color that tattoos often take on over time. This can happen when the tattoo contains a significant amount of black pigment. Over time, the black pigment can migrate into the surrounding skin tissue, causing the tattoo’s color to change. Additionally, some tattoo inks contain pigments that are not stable over time, causing them to break down and turn blue.
How To Prevent Tattoos From Turning Green And Blue?
The good news is that there are ways to prevent tattoos from turning green and blue. One of the best ways to prevent color changes is by choosing high-quality tattoo ink. High-quality ink contains stable pigments that are less likely to break down and change color over time. Every professional tattoo artist at Sam Tattoo India works with high-quality inks and does not compromise when it comes to quality.
Another way to prevent color changes is by taking proper care of your tattoo. It’s essential to keep your tattoo clean and moisturized to prevent the skin from becoming damaged. Additionally, avoid exposing your tattoo to sunlight or tanning beds, which can cause the skin to become damaged and lead to color changes.
To Wrap Up
Tattoos are a beautiful form of self-expression, and many people consider them a part of their identity. With proper care and choosing high-quality tattoo ink, you can prevent your tattoo from changing color and maintain its beauty for years to come.