Month: September 2023

Sep - 23

From Ink to Glory: Winning Big at Tattoo Conventions

Self-taught tattoo artists, often referred to as “scratchers” in the tattoo industry, are individuals who have embarked on a unique and independent journey into the world of tattooing. They do not receive any formal training or apprenticeship to refine their art, all they achieve is through trial and error. Practicing on friends, family, willing volunteers and sometimes on themselves too. They heavily rely on resources like books, videos etc. We too have one such self-taught artist “Saiyam Patel”. Sam is the man behind Sam Tattoo India. Having started learning tattooing by watching YouTube videos, saving money to buy his own machine and going to friends and family’s homes to do their tattoos to owning two tattoo studios in Mumbai, he has come a long way. The road was not easy but it was worth it.

Today, Sam has his own standing in the tattoo industry. Almost all of the artists in the Indian tattoo industry know and respect him and some from the international tattoo industry too. Besides working hard and being determined about where he wants to take his legacy one of the other important things to be known and respected and revered in the industry is to participate in conventions and tattoo showdowns to showcase your art. Sam has a number of accolades to his name and he managed to bag one more at Ink Soul Tattoo Festival in 2022. Sam was only there to support our other artists who had decided to participate, but when he saw that there was an opportunity for him to show his skillset he didn’t back down. The category he participated in was cover up tattoos. Sam is a fantastic cover up artist. He chose to cover up an old chest tattoo that our human canvas had.

It took hours of tattooing on the human canvas and trying his very best to cover up the tattoo on the chest, chest cover ups are harder than they look, but Sam is no stranger to a tricky placement. He chose to cover up the tattoo with a Shiva design accompanied by a galaxy in color in the background. To say it turned out superbly would be an understatement. It was now time to go up the stage and let the judge decide our fate. There was our human canvas standing on the stage and waiting for a judge to hand out cards to the canvases.

Soon enough our gracious human canvas had enough cards in his hands for us to know that we are going to be winning in this category too. At last, the host started announcing honorable mentions first and then actually announcing the winners of the category. 2nd runner up was announced, it wasn’t us. The tension was building, it felt like a climax of a movie playing out in front of us. Sam’s badge number was 8 that was stuck on the human canvas’ pants, we were screaming number 8 number 8 like a bunch of lunatics.The people standing around had also joined in started yelling Sam’s number, it was a sight to behold. Then she said “’and the first runner up with a divine design is”…… Sam Patel!!!!! We were jumping like maniacs and shouting his name and hugging anyone we could find, even the strangers around us were coming and congratulating Sam and us after the announcement. Sam walked up to the stage and we were feeling so proud that we could burst with happiness. It was the last day of the convention and 3 out of 5 of our artists had won in their own categories. It is safe to say that we left our mark there.

Sam always says focus on the art and the rest will follow. He continues to prove this time and again, we couldn’t have had a better mentor than him. Here’s raising a toast to Sam. ‘’As you ascend to greater altitudes, remember that the sky is not the limit, but merely a stepping stone. Here’s to your continuous journey to even higher heights!’’

Sep - 23

Epic Ink-Off: The Moment Our Artist Won In His First Convention

Tattoo conventions are more than just gatherings of ink enthusiasts; they’re vibrant celebrations of art, culture, and personal expression. These events bring together tattoo artists, collectors, and enthusiasts from around the world to showcase their skills, share their stories, and immerse themselves in the world of body art. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey through the dynamic atmosphere of a tattoo convention, from the buzzing tattoo machines to the meaningful connections made between artists and attendees.

In 2022, we had participated in Ink soul tattoo festival which was held in Bangalore. 5 of our artists had participated in the convention in different categories. Most of our artists were doing something like this for the first time, it was exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. The festival was a 3 day event and artists participating in different categories had to tattoo on different days. In that event we met so many wonderful people, some artists, some tattoo enthusiasts and many just spectators. It is safe to say that we made friends that will last for life.

Bhavin Gandhi is our resident artist who was 21 years old at the time of Ink Soul Tattoo Festival. Bhavin had participated in large black and grey tattoo category. He had been preparing for the convention for a few months and had taken his time to create a design that he would be tattooing in the convention, the details and art form was difficult to achieve in the time limit that was given at the convention, but, Bhavin isn’t anything if not resilient, determined and focused to the T.

After tattooing for 2 days in sessions of 7-8 hours each day it was finally time for the judging to begin.

We were all very nervous and Bhavin especially since it was his first time taking part in a competitive event and for good reason. All the other artists participating in the large black and grey tattoos were much older and much more experienced than Bhavin. It was an overwhelming moment, we were standing there in the auditorium praying and holding each other’s hands waiting for the judges to make their decision. There were more than 6 judges for each category and all masters of their craft. If the judge liked your design they would hand the person who you tattooed a card. Just like that the first judge who walked up to our canvas gave him a card and it was like we were on cloud nine, Bhavin on the other hand was getting nervous by the second. A few minutes went by and Alex Van Dutch who is a very renowned artist in the U.S.A and also the world came up to our canvas and handed our canvas another card, and another came soon after, just like that we knew that Bhavin was in the running to actually win a prize in the category he had chosen. All the judges had made their rounds and it was finally time to tally the cards everyone’s canvases had. The counting was done and it was time to announce the winners. More than 20 artists had participated in the large black and grey category, Bhavin had won 2nd runner up in the category. I think it was a very proud and inspiring moment to everyone, to see an artist who is only 21 and has been tattooing only for 2 years has won in a category where artists with more than 15 years of experience had participated in. The moment Bhavin went up to the stage to receive his award, we were standing in the auditorium close to the stage and howling and jumping like crazy people and cheering him on. This just goes to show that your age or experience may be less, but if your dreams are big and you are determined to achieve them, no one can stop you!

Sep - 23

From Aspiring Artist to Rising Star: Ankit’s Journey to Winning the Young Talent Award at a Tattoo Convention

Upcoming tattoo artists are the vibrant and innovative souls who are breathing fresh life into the world of body art. They bring a unique blend of passion, creativity, and a deep appreciation for the rich history of tattooing. We too have such an emerging talent at Sam Tattoo India, this person is not just an ink slinger; he is a story teller, using the human canvas as his medium to craft narratives, express emotions, and create visual masterpieces. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to mastering his craft, he constantly pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in the realm of tattooing. As he carves his path in this age-old art form, we can see that the world of tattooing is always evolving and discovering new creative ways to narrate your perspective through body art.

November 2022 was a very important year for our artist Ankit Parmar. Like many up and coming artists, especially artists who are very young and don’t have any or enough experience in the industry aspire to make a name for themselves early into the business. But, this doesn’t come true for a lot of artists. Ankit was an exception, his hard work and attention to detail in everything that he does had brought him to a point where he could see one of his dreams coming true.

Ankit had participated in a category that was introduced for the first time at any convention, the YOUNG TALENT CATEGORY Where all the artists were preparing their designs and starting to do the stencil on their human canvases, Ankit had no idea if he was even going to participate as he had already participated in calligraphy tattoo category the previous day and we didn’t have any human canvas for him to tattoo on. But as luck would have it, he decided to enter the YOUNG TALENT CATEGORY and we started looking for a canvas, we asked around the convention to the people who had only come to see the festival, we asked other artists participating if they had someone available who would become a canvas for Ankit. Finally, we found a woman who agreed to get a tattoo from Ankit for the category he was competing in. While all the young artists who were in the same category were doing tattoos that were no less than a half sleeve tattoo, our resident artist Ankit chose to do a tattoo that was maybe 5-6 inches in size overall. Ankit had decided to do a minimal realistic tattoo, which he is great at. He has been tattooing for only 2 years and was 22 at the time of the convention.

The tattoo was of “Jordan’s” the famous Nike shoes. A black and grey design but realistic. After many hours of tattooing nonstop, it was finally time to head to the stage where the judging would happen. Like every round, the judges walked the stage and looked at the tattoos done by the artists participating in the Young Talent category. Some of the artists had managed to finish tattoos that were covering more than half the arm or leg. We were very nervous when the judges were looking at the tattoo done by Ankit, it was the smallest tattoo in the entire convention done by an artist in any of the categories. To say that we were nervous would be an understatement. Soon enough, the judges started giving our canvas the cards and really squatting to see the tattoo up close. Finally, the results were being announced and held our breaths, Ankit was a nervous wreck and finally hearing the host announce that Ankit had won the 2nd runner up in the YOUNG TALENT CATEGORY made us all jump with sheer happiness and pride. This was the second win of the day for team Sam Tattoo India. To see Ankit run up the stage and accept the award has us all in tears. The judges were having a hard time believing that he was only 22, seeing the kind of detailed tattoo he had finished in the given time frame had the judges all shocked. They say you never forget your firsts and I am sure Ankit will remember this exact moment for many years to come.

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