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Elements of the Mystical Lord Shiva Tattoo Design

The Lord Shiva tattoos are now becoming increasingly popular among youngsters seeking sacred and spiritual tattoos. Shiva is one of the most significant places in the Hindu panorama. He embodies many essential processes: creation and destruction, light and darkness, truth and falsehood. A Lord Shiva tattoo sums up this mysterious deity in a compact and abbreviated manner in that the image will fully represent this enigmatic god in a single visual image. When going for a Shiva tattoo design, there are certain features that need to be incorporated.

Portraits of Lord Shiva 

The most obvious and familiar way of getting Shiva tattoos is a portrait. A Lord Shiva portrait tattoo can be designed in multiple postures—one is sitting in the pose of meditation, eyes shut and smiling gently. These contemplative faces depict the aspect of Shiva, a god who is otherwise mostly associated with serenity. More portraits of Shiva depict the god’s piercing, metamorphic gaze, which is one ring to people of Shiva as the destroyer.

The Third Eye

The traits that are clearly associated with Shiva’s image are primarily based on the third eye, which is considered to be highly peculiar. The third eye of Lord Shiva situated in between the eyebrows means the power to see through reality. The three-eyed element is a kind of prompt to look deep, beyond the physical world to the soul. Taking Shiva’s piercing third eye as the centre of the tattoo and putting other symbols around it to show some interesting asymmetry is quite interesting.

Snake Necklace and Armband

Sculpturally, Lord Shiva is depicted with a snake necklace, bracelet and circle around his arm and head, respectively, in a majestic aspect. They symbolise Shiva’s control of death and darkness. Shiva’s life force energy gives him widespread dominion across the natural world. Slithering snakes as recurring tattoo elements tie back to Shiva iconography in a sort of aesthetic call-out. A prominent snake armband also adds to the tattoo design and surrounds Shiva’s authoritarian face.

Crescent Moon and Ganga

The crescent moon placed in Shiva’s hair is a standard attribute, which means time, creative power and fertility. On his hair, Shiva has pure Ganga water flowing, which stands for life or river. Adding crescent moon, rushing river and plus sign with dreads bring out complex scalp tattoo meanings amidst the artistry.

The Trishul Trident

A trident sceptre is the sacred emblem of Shiva, the destroyer, who can vanquish all evil and ignorance as represented by the sceptre. The Trishul concept, with a spearhead shooting outwards, is one of the best Shiva tattoos that has aggressive energy and protection. They complement other image types well, including portraits, third eyes and even forms of dancing Shiva statues.

The Bottom Line

There is no doubt that the inclusion of some features of traditional iconographic pictures makes your Lord Shiva tattoo reflect the real meaning of this rather ambiguous and mysterious Hindu deity.

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